neogenianism: the rabble, rabble-racket, and long rablbe ears

by Kidd

Last Man is on the rise. Strength is being annihilated. Weakness is taking over. Humanity is becoming small, dainty, and fragile. The war is overdue.

Back in 1888, the legendary campaigner for the revaluation of all values, Freddie Nietzsche, launched a literary missile on the world in his book: The Will to Power, when he said, “A declaration of war on the masses by higher men is needed! … Everything that makes soft and effeminate, that serves the end of the people or the feminine, works in favor of universal suffrage, i.e., the domination of the inferior men. But we should take reprisal and bring this whole affair to light and the bar of judgment.” Neogenianism, without a doubt, caters to the inferior man. What does intelligence, nobility, strength, reason, and honor have in common with Neogenianism? Er, nothing! There was no strength from the beginning, only weakness; no honor, only dishonor; no bravery, only cowardice; no intelligence, only stupidity; no reason, only unreason. The strong, intelligent people of reason were railed against and ousted so that only the weak, emotional herd followers remained, i.e., the ones Rebhahn could emotionally entrap to siphon off his narcissistic supply from(their only function!).

Why has Morgue Official, aka Corey Rebhahn, lasted so long after being called out as a plagiarizing conman? Because there are more sensing types vs. thinking types in this world. Rebhahn has purposefully and systematically identified and pruned those who are highly cerebral, i.e., those that adhere to reason and logic, and kept those who are on the emotional spectrum, you know, the feeling type, people who have their mid-brain constantly online in search of oxytocin. All the people who are left that follow Neogenianism are nothing but limbic zombies under the spell of a limbic wizard who keeps his cult slaves tethered and dazed via emotions. This is precisely why Neogenianism is a rabble phenomenon, just as Christianity is. Christians supposedly feel the unrequited love from their so-called loving narcissistic sky daddy, just as Neogenians get love-bombed and emotionally attached to their narcissistic God of Neogenia, Corey Rebhahn They both stem from the same sickness — a mental one. They are both parasitic ideologies that beget the same insane behavior in people. They both prove humanity still hasn’t mentally evolved and is in dire trouble. Stop the philosophy of Last Man. Help put an end to Neogenianism.