The Beginning of the End

What is the Neogenian Morgue? It's where the Neogenian cult goes to die.

The Dark Fantasy of Corey Rebhahn

What is the Neogenian Morgue? It’s the extremely dark shared fantasy of Corey Rebhahn where desperate people are drawn in and subjected to the death force of malignant narcissism. It sucks out all the real life from them and turns them into the Undead. Just look at the cult slaves of Neogenianism. Not one of them can talk back to Rebhahn, can challenge him, can say anything adult to him. They are entirely infantilized. Their only function is to give Rebhahn unconditional adulation … and all their money. And they do! That’s their sole value to Rebhahn. He has no interest whatsoever in these people having real, living, reciprocal relationships with him. This is all a one-way street, one giant ego trip for Rebhahn. The cult slaves adore him, and Rebhahn expects to be adored. And that’s it. That’s the whole game. Everyone in the cult plays it. And wants to play it. No other game, no adult game, is possible. Only children in adult bodies play this silly game.

The Plague of Malignant Narcissim

What is the Neogenian Morgue? It’s a place of sickness and death. It’s where a plague is created, a plague of serious mental illness.


What is the Neogenian Morgue? It’s the mad kingdom of Corey Rebhahn (Morgue official), leader of the insane Neogenian cult. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king, and in the kingdom of narcissists, the most narcissistic of all is king. In Narc World, there are only two roles: Narcissus and Echo. If you are not Narcissus being worshiped, then you are an Echo, doing the worshiping. Narcs are world champions at finding their particular Echoes. In Rebhahn’s case, 100% of his Echoes (cult slaves) are on the non-binary spectrum, hence totally identify with him and see him as their Jesus/Lucifer, Christ/Antichrist, Virgin Mary/Mary Magdalene … Queer Messiah and Destroyer of Normality. These Echoes all identify with “fallen angels” and anti-heroes. Their primary Archetype is Maleficence, a kind of butch, non-binary witch.


What is the Neogenian Morgue? It’s where the Illuminist Army comes to bury Morgue Official and his sinister and dangerous cult that has committed legion crimes against normal, decent, intelligent, moral people.

The Plague of Malignant Narcissim

What is the Neogenian Morgue? It’s a place of sickness and death. It’s where a plague is created, a plague of serious mental illness.


Over the next few months, the content of the BANNED BOOKS “The Neogenian Movie”, and “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” (Parts I and II) will be posted on this site day by day so that the world can see exactly what this monstrous cult and its monstrous leader and moderators are like. The world MUST be warned about this cult. This cult MUST be stopped.

Here is the brilliant trailer for THE NEOGENIAN MOVIE:

As well as the content from these BANNED BOOKS (banned by Corey Rebhahn via his false and malicious complaint to Amazon, the apex robopathic capitalist predator), new content will be arriving from the Illuminist Army. We invite the members of the Illuminist Army to send essays such as were posted on the Daily Whistle by the AC, or any new movie ideas and scripts they have. Let’s make this a creative hub, the opposite of the Neogenian Morgue, which is where creativity goes to die and only worshipers on their knees and bellies are required. Not even one negative sentiment is allowed to be expressed against Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official), or his moderators, or his cult. POSITIVE VIBES ONLY. Love and light! The New Age, the New Beginning is arriving. The Second Coming has happened and it’s none other than Woke Lucifer-Jesus, Corey Rebhahn, son of two Christian Fundamentalists, and Rebhahn’s father was a career cop and cop trainer before his retirement. Sheez.

Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Book 1
Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Book 2
The Neogenian Movie


Members of the Illuminist Army should submit their new contributions HERE.

Everyone knows how dangerous and sick this Neogenian cult is and how much damage it has inflicted on innocent people. Its conduct has been psychotic at all times. All of its members have proved psychotic. And the psychotic-in-chief has of course been the cult leader, Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official), a shameless liar, conman, grifter and egregious plagiarist, passing off the work and system of others as his own. He has CANCELED the books of the very authors whose work he has stolen. And he made a false and malicious complaint to the FBI to get two former colleagues SWATTED. AND he made a hoax call to a suicide hotline to get a brave whistle-blower SWATTED, after getting a lawyer to send her a cease and desist letter and threatening to sue her. Can you get a lower, more shameless human being than Rebhahn? This man’s crimes are LEGION.

Confronting the beast

But this is no normal human being. This is a pathological narcissist and psychopath, as a million words on the Daily Whistle have demonstrated in minute detail. Sam Vaknin’s brilliant work on pathological narcissism might as well be all about Morgy Porgy since Rebhahn is a textbook case, a narcissistic stereotype … a cliche! Rebhahn is an ultra-narcissist. He is both a somatic and cerebral narc, a covert and overt narc, and a totally grandiose narc making astonishing and laughable claims about himself. He believes he is an unrecognized genius, as opposed to the reality – someone with no qualifications who didn’t even go to school and would be technically regarded as one of the most stupid people in the world! An accurate assessment.

The campaign against the Neogenian monsters goes on. It will always go on until the monsters are slain.

The Illuminist Army has marched out in its shining armor to confront the beast and end its reign of terror and set fire to its paper cathedral of error.

Plagiarists, criminals, SWATTERS  and Nazi book burners will NEVER win. These are truly wicked, evil people – a threat to all human decency and ethics. They are degeneration itself. They are the Last Men come to life in our midst.

So, come on, all you dragon slayers, all you fearless Spartan men and women, join the campaign to bring Morgue Official to justice for his multitude of crimes. This is a true monster. Everyone knows it. He can wear as many false masks as he likes. We can see through all of them. We are never deceived. We are immune to his con. His grift can never work on the intelligent, on the righteous.

Be one of the daring ones:

"One does not make revolutions by halves. ... I say that the King must be judged as an enemy and that even more than judge him, we must fight him. I would even say that a constitution accepted by a king does not bind the citizens: even before his crime they had the right to outlaw him and drive him out. It would amaze posterity that a king would be judged like a citizen. To judge means to apply the law. A law is a legal relationship: what legal relationship is there between humanity and a king? A king should be tried not for the crimes of his administration, but for that of having been king, for nothing in the world can legitimize this usurpation, and whatever illusion, whatever conventions royalty surrounds itself in, it is an eternal crime against which every man has the right to rise up and arm himself. It is one of those criminal acts which even the blindness of an entire people cannot justify.  ...  What does Louis have in common with the French people that they should treat him well after he betrayed them? . . . It is impossible to reign in innocence. The folly of that is all too evident. Every king is a rebel and a usurper.  Do Kings themselves treat otherwise those who seek to usurp their authority?  ... Louis is a foreigner among us. He was not a citizen before his crime: he could not vote, he could not bear arms. ... It is therefore you who must decide if Louis is the enemy of the French people, if he is an alien. ... Dare! – this word contains all the politics of our revolution."


Join the righteous campaign to bring youtuber morgue official to justice

Criminals must pay for their crimes.

Let Justice be served.

Let Justice be done.

Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum (“Let justice be done though the heavens fall.”)


All red banners flying.

Ad Disastra.

Delenda est Neogenianism.

By the AC

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